Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Experience

During the time we have spent creating blogs, I have learned a lot and experienced a lot. This unique way of sharing information is very useful many ways. A way of expressing your opinions in a way you let the reader see your point of view. Also how you set the tone by adding pictures or videos. A very effective way to share, express, and to show your sense of thinking or opinion
What I have learned from working on blogs are expressing opinions, sharing information   and sharing a passion. I personally believe it is healthy to express your opinion. It shows your own personality. Also it makes people more interesting and creates ideas when people have something to say. Now a day’s people can just get information by the click of their phone. But you cannot get creativity from news like you do from blogging. Blogging gives each individual the power to gain information from one another. It is just like sharing a passion. When you just want people to like your new ideas or opinions.
The difficult part of blogging is that at first I did not know how to set it up and design it, set up the URL, and also adding friends so I can read their blog. To set up the setting of the page to make it look creative, fun, or serious was very difficult. Just in your own way to make it unique. Also it was hard to set up a URL because most of them were taken.  So it did not feel like your won page, you know? One other thing that was very hard for me was adding friends. I cannot explain how difficult it was, but it was. I guess it because it was not clearly known if the friend I wanted to add was added. Sometimes it was kind of boring, just to sit in front of the computer and sometimes my eyes got watery. Occasionally my hands would cramp up from all the typing, so I had to take breaks here and there. But the main things that devastated me from this blogging exercise was posting up the blogs. Since I did not know how to re-post a new blog for some reason I thought we had to create new URL’s for each new post. Then sadly I was given a zero, for my blogs that I did do, it was just on a different URL. Which affected my grade deeply and got me very upset, because I was putting the effort in. so the result became a D on my report card?
This exercise of blogging was creative, fun, and educational. The creativity of each person’s blog were outstanding and very pleasing to read. The way I got to receive information brought the best in our ability  to be creative in our own way. It was fun because we got to hang out and share our opinions in our own way, and discuss them. Also the way it was very educational to us is because we learned how to express our opinions and share information on the internet on our own blogs. A way of being appropriate when expressing our opinions and getting more involved with technology.   

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I personaly believe that the NFLPA is right. The NFL players have the right to play in the league for a fair amount of money that they work for. These players train very single off season and risk getting hurt in every single season . The players that put in the time since they were playing in pop warner football deserve to be playing the sport they love. I do not understand how the owners want the players to play an extra 2 games in the season. They say they are worried about health on the players but now they want add these two games? I mean really? That does not make any sense at all. When it comes down to it, it always been and always has been about the money. They had 2 years before the lockout to work something out. But the owners did this on purpose, so that they can go to court. So that when they got to court the jude will rule against the players, and then the owners will get there advantage and get all the money. The players are right and the owners are wrong. I don’t see them risking their bodies out there every season. What these NFL owners do not realize is that the fans brought this game up into what it is today. Those fans became the players who played in pop warner, to high school, to college, and then their dream the pros. But they do not understand, they just want to fill their pockets. The NFL is a 9 billion dollar industry. But there is never enough money to these Billionaire owners. In the end I hope the right thing is done to save the NFL from missing a year 9 of great fun and memories.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Interview with: Raul Jimenez Sr.

~As a child, what was your dream?
We’ll as a child, I loved  sports. I was good at it, very good. I enjoyed football the most. I love the contact and just enjoying a win with buddies. Just being dominant on the field. So I really wanted to be a professional athlete.
~Do you like the outcome of your career?
Of course, I love saving lives. It never gets boring at the hospital. You experience and see things over time in life when you work at the hospital. Most people can’t handle seeing people die. I can save some, but not all sadly.
~What are your hobbies?
Well I  used to go fishing often and golfing. But what I really enjoy doing the most is flying. I love flying. I just can’t explain why.
~How was your relationship with your parents?
My mom was a very caring person. I loved her cooking the most. My father just wanted the best for me. He was in the construction man. He was very good with his hands. So he taught me a lot.
~What was your favorite sport?
I loved football. I played defensive end, so I was very aggressive. I knocked a guy so hard, I knocked him into the water stands (He laughed).
~Ever had a sports idol?
I like Thurman Thomas and Jim kelly. Not really idols but people I enjoyed watching and learning about. They were the best but they showed respect to the game and outside the game.
~In what way do you feel you have contributed to the world?
Personally I feel like I impacted a lot lives. Since I work in the ER at the hospital.
~Merorable moment of your life?
Watching my kids grow up.
~Favorite tv show?
Hmmm well I love to watch 2 half men or V. Very good shows.
~Who made a difference in your life?
I feel that I made the difference. I made the choices to get me where I am here in life.